â’¸ Beacon Project is the dedicated charity fund-raising platform for Free Entry-Stage Courses of Free Nonschool Open-Source Education Fund I in the front-end and non-school elite one-on-one tutoring camps in the back-end in order to nourish many times more top elites for the United States as a whole, who will help reinvent America over and over again later on as time goes by, thereby making America brighter and brighter a Beacon-of-Hope-for-the-World and the City-upon-a-Hill from generation to generation. In a word, Beacon Project, similar to the Sputnik Time or Manhattan Project extremely famous in the greatest U.S. history, targets at training millions of top talents a year free of charge, especially for those kids from low-income families, as a non-school-days' complement to all current U.S. public or private schools in order to improve the educational quality of U.S. total population and therefore the overall U.S. competitiveness over the world. Beacon Project will change the world through rewiring American kids' brain neuron mapping as of a top elite in the first place starting from the very young. Website: Beacon.Gives
Free Nonschool Open-Source Education Fund I, Inc. is a non-profit charity entity, which has been hatched and incubated by Global Elites Network Xpeed Learning Academy after 10 years of operation in the greater New York City area of the United States. Please see the website at Nonschool.Fund for details. Nonschool tries to expand into the most populous communities of 100+ cities across the nation. So, Nonschool needs your help and generosity in serving millions of students on a yearly basis within 5 years.
Global Elites Network Xpeed Learning Academy is an elite one-on-one tutoring summer or year-long non-school camp-based educational institution only for those who want to become top elites of the world. Please see the website at Tutoring.Camp for details. Xpeed is a complement to all current public or private schools, because Xpeed has been operating during non-school days. Because one-on-one elite tutoring cost is much more expensive than a school, top students from low-income families with a great potential need your donation to accomplish the grand goal of becoming an elite.